
This page allows the administrator to manage user accounts with the function to add, remove and update users.
Figure 1 - User List
Figure 1 - User List

Create New User

  • To create a new user, click on the +create button, and a modal will show up.
  • Then you just need to provide the following required details:
    • First name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Username
    • Role
    • Timezone
    • Password
    • Figure 2 - Create User
      Figure 2 - Create User
  • Once done, the newly created user will be added to the user list. Click on its name to show the “Manage User” modal.

Update User

  • To update the details of a user, simply look for the user from the list and click on its name to show the “Manage User” modal.
  • Update the necessary fields and click submit to save the changes.
  • You can also change the password from this modal.
Figure 3 - User Profile and Credentials
Figure 3 - User Profile and Credentials

Assign / Restrict Base Units

  • Then go to the “Base Units” tab to assign devices. Under the “Action” column, change the “No Access” to “With Access” to grant access to a device.
    • Note: You can only update the user access to a base unit when the user account is already created. The “Base Units” tab is not available from the Create User modal.
Figure 4 - User Base Units
Figure 4 - User Base Units

Assign / Restrict Sensors

  • You can also restrict the sensors that the user can view or access. Just go to the “Sensors” tab and update the access rights under the “Action” column. By default a newly created user has access to all sensor types.
    • Note: You can only update the user access to a sensor when the user account is already created. The “Sensors” tab is not available from the Create User modal.
Figure 5 - User Sensors
Figure 5 - User Sensors

Delete User

  • To delete a user from your organization, simply look for the user from the list and click “Remove” from the “Action” column.
  • You will be asked to confirm your action, but simply click “Ok” to continue.

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