The 30-day trial period offers users the opportunity to experience and evaluate our product and service without any charges. During this trial period, users can fully explore the features and functionality, allowing them to determine if the product or service meets their needs and expectations.

Newly Paired Device with Sensorbee

Every newly paired device to Sensorbee LwM2M server is automatically given with a 30 days trial period, which means you will not be billed for any usage of this device for the first month. This includes Sim usage, reporting and integration. After the 30 days trial period has lapsed the auto-top-up feature of the Sim will be activated automatically, which means, the Sim will never run-out of data since it will be automatically refilled. You will be billed according to your subscription package and usage.

Newly Paired Device with Non-Sensorbee

Every newly paired device to an external LwM2M server is automatically given with a 30 days trial period for the Sim. This means that your device will have a free Sim data that can be used within the next 30 days since it was first paired. After the 30 days trial period has lapsed the Sim will be disabled. However, the moment you decide to pair the device to the Sensorbee LwM2M server, the Sim will be reactivated and the auto-top-up will be enabled.

Important Note

The countdown for the 30 days trial begins from the moment you first paired the device. No matter how many times you pair and unpair it, the trial period will continue its countdown and will not reset.