We are excited to share the latest updates and improvements to our Air Quality Monitoring Portal. These updates focus on enhancing calibration accuracy, alert management, and overall system usability.

New Features & Enhancements

  1. Improved Calibration Chart Precision
      • Reduced the decimal places for ppb values on the y-axis of the calibration chart, enhancing readability.
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  1. Alert Confirmation in Device Logs
      • Introduced logging for SMS and email alerts to confirm successful delivery.
      • Explored email delivery confirmation options such as read receipts and SMS gateway callbacks.
      • Confirmation data is now stored in log tables for reporting and tracking.
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  1. Dashboard Improvements for Sensor Settings
      • Added dynamic display of VOC and NOX icons on the dashboard based on sensor settings. Icons are shown only if the respective sensors are enabled.
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  1. Alert Scheduling Enhancements
      • Individual Alerts UI Update : Improved the alert modal to handle scheduling for individual alerts.
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      • Batch Alert Creation : Integrated alert scheduling into the batch creation process for streamlined configuration.
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      • Batch Alert Updates : Added support for scheduling updates during batch alert modifications.

Bug Fixes

  1. Calibration Chart Issues
      • Resolved a bug where the calibration chart failed to handle NaN or null values, ensuring seamless data processing.

These updates are designed to provide a smoother, more reliable experience. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team. Thank you for choosing Sensorbee!