
Parts of Sensorbee Modbus Pro

The Sensorbee Modbus Pro is composed of two main parts: a base (8) that contains the main board, external connector (4), cable glance (5), and status LED (7), and a sensor-house (6) that contains the internal gas sensors, front-end module (3), and inlet (1) and outlet (2) for the internal gas sensors.
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  1. Inlet for internal gas sensors.
  1. Outlet for internal gas sensors.
  1. Front-end module, which includes particle sensors, temperature, humidity, pressure, VOC, NOX, and ambient noise.
  1. Expansion connector, M8F-6 (type A), for external sensors.
  1. Cable glance for external cabling, RS-485 and power.
  1. Sensor-House, which contains internal gas sensors and the front-end module.
  1. Status LED, which indicates the status of the unit.
  1. Base, which contains the base board electronics, batteries, internal connectors, and antenna.

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